This is our largest update since the redesign, and we're so excited that we made a video to show you all the cool stuff!
We'll automatically create a boarding group for these types of groups:
Don't worry, buildings are supported too! We can't automatically create the boarding group, but we'll sync up to yours once you make it in-game! Once your boarding group is created, your group members will be able to teleport directly to your building. No more searching the street for your group!
You'll need to have ToonSync enabled to use these new features! If you don't have it on yet, it can be set up from the Settings page in less than a minute!
This update would not have been possible without an insane amount of effort from the Toontown Rewritten Team! From both of our teams, we hope you love it!
A lot more has happened to ToonHQ since it launched back in July of 2014, but we couldn't possibly write up release notes going back that far.
Stay Tooned for new updates!