July 9th, 2024

  • We've improved the time remaining calculation for TTR invasions! This prevents invasions from seemingly ending unexpectedly.

June 23rd, 2024

  • Do you have too many five star SOSes? Do you find yourself wanting lower ones instead? You can now create "Low Star Shopping" VP groups!
  • We've fixed a bug that caused the page to dim when trying to create or join a group, rather than showing the Toon form.

June 2nd, 2024

More Pride!
  • We've added even more Pride rings to choose from! Be sure to check them out!

June 1st, 2024

Pride Ring
New Toon Rings + PRIDE!
  • We've added brand new rings you can decorate your Toon photo with!
  • There's a ring for each gag track - use them to show off your favorite gag!
  • We've also added a Pride collection of rings! And because the importance of Pride doesn't end in July, these are permanent additions!
  • Also, you can still get last year's Pride backdrops by using the code "YAYPRIDE" from the Settings page while logged in.
From all of us at ToonHQ, we hope you have an awesome Pride month! ✨

May 25th, 2024

New Cog Disguise Indicator
  • We have a brand new Cog Disguise indicator! The radial level bar now visualizes how far along your disguise is!
  • We've also added support for v2.0 Cog Disguises! When the level bar turns green, you know it's a v2.0 disguise!
  • Toons that aren't ready for a group (haven't earned a promo, need to defeat the easier facility first, etc.) will now be automatically removed from the group. This ensures space for Toons who are ready to jump right in!
  • When you're unable to join a ToonSync group, a new banner now explains why. This is especially helpful on mobile devices when you don't have the chat open!

May 25th, 2024

Under New Management
  • Oh my goodness, Toontown Rewritten's exciting Under New Management update is out!
  • We've updated the Groups page to reflect all of their awesome new facilities!
  • We're also wrapping up some improvements to the display of Cog Disguises, so stay Tooned for that!
  • Why are you still reading these release notes? Go play the update!

May 23rd, 2024

ToonFest 2024
  • Happy ToonFest everyone! If you're attending ToonFest: The Great Fanfair this year, stop by one of the ToonTown Rewritten game tables to pick up a ToonHQ postcard! Each postcard has a special code on the back to unlock an exclusive new pose and backdrop!
  • Special codes can be redeemed from the Settings page.
  • From the ToonHQ team, have an awesome ToonFest!

March 22nd, 2024

  • We've expanded the scoring of Doodle traits! Higher score Doodles should be even more accurate now!
  • The highest score has increased from 12 to 17, though you'll often only see max scores of 15 or 16.
  • Special thanks to the TTRD community for their feedback and suggestions!

March 9th, 2024

  • Specific types of groups can now be hidden using the new "Hide Group Type(s)" option in the Filter + Sort menu!

March 8th, 2024

  • Too many full groups cluttering up the Groups page? Full groups can now be hidden from the Filter + Sort menu!
  • Groups you're in will now always show up - even if your filters would normally hide them.

March 7th, 2024

  • Doodle Training groups now support ToonSync!
  • They work just like Building groups: once you've made your group on ToonHQ, simply make a boarding group in-game from your Estate and it'll sync right up! Your group members will be able to teleport right to your Estate!

March 3rd, 2024

  • We've made a ton of optimizations to the Groups section of the site! It now loads much faster, and can handle more Toons at once than ever!

November 30th, 2023

  • The gardening guide has been made more accessible!
  • You can now hover over a jellybean to see the name of its color.
  • Numbers have also been added to the jellybeans to assist colorblind players. These numbers correspond to the jellybean's position in the in-game picker.
  • If you prefer plain jellybeans, you can still choose that style at the bottom of the gardening guide.

November 27th, 2023

  • Looking for some folks to fish with? You can now create Fishing groups! Thanks to Super Mouse for the photo!

October 31st, 2023

  • SOS Shopping Groups can now be re-listed!
  • Maxed Cog Disguises now glow to make them easier to spot!

October 10th, 2023

  • Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot and Bossbot ranks will now display "Maxed" on ToonSync Toons when you've maxed your Cog Disguise!

August 5th, 2023

  • We've added a new "For Training" option to Factory, Mint, DA Office and Golf Course groups!
  • The latter 3 now also allow you to specify "Full" or "Minimal", similar to choosing "Long" or "Short" for a Factory.

July 20th, 2023

  • We've tweaked the scoring of Doodle traits based on community feedback. Higher score Doodles should be more accurate now!

July 14th, 2023

  • We've added a new Building Marathon group! It's great for grouping up with a bunch of Toons to take down all the cog buildings in a certain area!

June 15th, 2023

  • You can now retry joining an in-game boarding group even if your Toon was initially busy!
  • Full groups have been given a slightly transparent color so it's easier to see which groups still have room!

June 1st, 2023

Accounts + Toons
  • We've added two Pride backdrops you can unlock! Simply redeem the special code "YAYPRIDE" from the Settings page while logged in. You'll get to keep these backdrops permanently!
  • You can (finally) change your email address without needing to contact us! This is helpful if you've changed your email for any reason, and particularly so if you've changed your name. We hope you enjoy being able to login with the email you prefer!
  • Building groups now have an option to specify whether you'd like to train or not.

May 24th, 2023

New Pose + Backdrop
ToonFest 2023
  • Happy ToonFest everyone! To celebrate Toontown's 20th anniversary and ToonFest: Birthday Bash, we've added a new cake throwing pose you can choose for your Toon photos! This new pose will help you celebrate even if you aren't able to attend ToonFest this year!
  • There's also a shiny new Silly Meter backdrop you can choose!
  • There's more though! If you're attending ToonFest this year, stop by one of the ToonTown Rewritten game tables to pick up a ToonHQ postcard! Each postcard has a special code on the back to unlock an exclusive new pose and backdrop!
  • Both sets of new poses and backdrops are permanent additions, and we hope you enjoy them! From the ToonHQ team, have an awesome ToonFest!

January 26th, 2023

  • We've updated our Fishing Guide to reflect TTR's balance changes! Have fun catching those Ultra Rares!

November 21st, 2022

  • There's an all new, easier than ever way to set up ToonSync when playing Toontown Rewritten!
  • The options menu in TTR can now give you a ToonSync code. Simply enter it into ToonHQ and all of your account's Toons will instantly sync over!
  • You can repeat this process for as many accounts as you like!
  • In addition to the super easy TTR linking, we've revamped the ToonSync area on the Settings page for both games!
  • The ToonSync panel now shows you which Toons are linked with each account.
  • We've spruced up the responsiveness of the page quite a bit as well!

November 18th, 2022

  • We've added new groups to support Corporate Clash's exciting 1.3 update!
  • You can now create groups for all 16 new Manager Bosses! Toons of the World, unite!
  • Doodle training groups have been removed from the Corporate Clash side of the site.

November 15th, 2022

  • We've made it easier to relink ToonSync!
  • You can now link an account even if it was previously linked with a different ToonHQ account.
  • Relinking an account now works correctly even if you don't unlink it first.
  • A new "Fix Link" button will appear on the Settings page when one of your accounts needs to be relinked.
  • We'll automatically log you out of the TTR site when trying to link multiple accounts.

October 20th, 2022


This is our largest update since the redesign, and we're so excited that we made a video to show you all the cool stuff!

  • ToonHQ groups are now integrated with Toontown Rewritten's boarding groups!
  • When you create a supported group (see list below) on ToonHQ, a boarding group will automatically be created in-game.
  • Group leaders will be instantly teleported to the meet-up spot, as long as they have teleport access and the district isn't full.
  • If the group leader can't teleport, the boarding group will be created when they arrive at the meet-up spot.
  • When you create a boarding group in-game, ToonHQ will prompt you to create a group on the site. Everything will be pre-filled for you so you can just hit "Done" to make it!
  • Toons that join your ToonHQ group will be added to your in-game group.
  • Group members can teleport to the group whenever they are ready!
  • When you join a group with extra Toons, those spots are held in the boarding group for you. You can then invite your friends or other Toons in-game.
  • When you invite Toons in-game, they'll also show up in your ToonHQ group.
  • This is particularly helpful for multitooners, as your group will be able to see all of your Toons!
  • Messages sent to the ToonHQ group chat will also be sent to your group members in-game, and vice-versa!
  • ToonHQ groups will automatically disband once everyone in the group safely loads inside. If someone crashes, the group will be kept around so you can all meet back up!
  • As long as your in-game boarding group is active, the ToonHQ group will not be disbanded. No need to check-in and say you're still using the group!
  • Disbanding your group on ToonHQ will disband your group in-game, and vice-versa.
Supported Groups

We'll automatically create a boarding group for these types of groups:

  • Factory
  • VP
  • Mint (be sure to specify Coin, Dollar, or Bullion)
  • CFO
  • DA Office (be sure to specify A, B, C or D)
  • CJ
  • Golf Course (be sure to specify Front 3, Middle 6, or Back 9)
  • CEO
  • Sellbot Field Office
  • Four Story Field Office
Building Groups

Don't worry, buildings are supported too! We can't automatically create the boarding group, but we'll sync up to yours once you make it in-game! Once your boarding group is created, your group members will be able to teleport directly to your building. No more searching the street for your group!


You'll need to have ToonSync enabled to use these new features! If you don't have it on yet, it can be set up from the Settings page in less than a minute!

Special Thanks

This update would not have been possible without an insane amount of effort from the Toontown Rewritten Team! From both of our teams, we hope you love it!

October 16th, 2022

  • We've fixed up the issue causing ToonSync to sometimes unlink.
  • We've also made some changes to ToonSync to ensure it will never happen again. Once you re-link, you'll be all set!
  • If you haven't set up ToonSync, now is the time to do so! You'll want it set up for our next update! 😉

July 28th, 2022

  • We've added support for Toontown Rewritten's Sellbot Task Force: The Last Laff update!
  • You can now create Four Star Field Office groups.

May 27th, 2022

  • Group chat is better than ever, allowing you to say more phrases without running into filters! Special thanks to the Corporate Clash Crew for their help!
  • We've fixed up Sellbot Field Office groups which would occasionally not show star information.

April 1st, 2022

  • It may be April 1st, but this update is no joke! We've added support for Corporate Clash's new April Toons event!
  • You can now create Count Erfit and Find the Foreman groups!

February 19th, 2022

  • We've added a new tutorial for those who are new to gardening, or want to learn more about it.
  • Statue jellybean combinations can be found on the Statues page.
  • A new Organic Gag reference has been added.
  • Filters have been upgraded! Now you can filter for multiple group types or areas at the same time.
  • It's now easier to create Sellbot Field Office Groups! Simply pick from a list of active Field Offices.
  • Doodle Training groups now allow you to specify which trick you're training.

February 15th, 2022

  • It's finally here, check out the new Gardening Guide!
  • All flower jellybean combinations are shown at a glance.
  • You can view combinations grouped by number of jellybeans involved, or by the way flowers are shown in the Shticker Book album.
  • Track which flowers you've harvested by checking them off. Each Toon can track its own flowers!

February 8th, 2022

  • A new changelog page has been added (you're reading it right now).
  • We'll tell you when new and exciting features are added.

February 7th, 2022

  • Staff badges for Toontown Rewritten and Corporate Clash team members are now automatically managed.
  • Be sure to link your account if you're on either team so you can use your badge!

February 4th, 2022

  • There's a lot of Doodles out there, so we've made it even easier to find the one you're after!
  • You can now visually filter Doodles by their hair, ears, eyes, eyelashes, nose, tail, body and color.
  • ToonSync for TTR has been improved.
  • The "More" dropdown now closes after you go to a page.

January 18th, 2022

  • Introducing the new Pet Shop Doodles page!
  • You can now browse all of the Doodles in Toontown Rewritten in one spot! No need to run from shop to shop.
  • We display what each Doodle looks like, along with their traits.
  • Traits are color-coded to indicate whether they are desired or discouraged.
  • Each Doodle is also assigned a score from 12 to -12 to help you shop! The higher the score, the more likely it is for that Doodle to perform well. Don't forget to train them though!
Field Offices
  • Looking for the Field Offices page? It's moved into the "More" dropdown if you're on a computer.

A lot more has happened to ToonHQ since it launched back in July of 2014, but we couldn't possibly write up release notes going back that far.

Stay Tooned for new updates!